Sunday, July 20, 2008

Five Things: Erin

What was I doing ten years ago?

Ten years ago I was taking a year off from college. I had dropped out of Rhode Island School of Design and was searching for a liberal arts school that would suit me better. I spent one school year living in Providence and working as a teacher's aide in an after school program at a Catholic school. My parents were separating and heading swiftly toward an official divorce. I took a cross-country road trip, the highlight of which were the Badlands and Black Hills in South Dakota - I also saw San Franscisco (intimidating - Big Sur was beautiful), Los Angeles (just like in the movies), the Grand Canyon (too big to compute), and lots of Big Sky. I got kicked out of a casino in Nevada because I was underaged (oops).

Five Snacks I Enjoy:

1. Raw almonds.

2. Fresh fruit - especially Packham pears.

3. Cheese with crackers... or bread... or more cheese.

4. Homemade cookies - especially chocolate chip.

5. Dill pickles.

Five Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

1. Pay off all my debts, including the house.

2. Do a historical restoration on our house, reviving the woodwork and floors and doing everything top-to-bottom in 1920s Craftsman style furnishing - but with updated environmentally efficient fixtures.

3. Create a "social investment" portfolio that would invest my money in socially & environmentally responsible funds only.

4. Donate generously to Omaha public schools and other nonprofits focusing on education, animal rescue, and environmentalism.

5. Buy a wind power farm.

Five Places I've lived:

1. Martha's Vineyard.

2. Providence, RI.

3. Southern Vermont.

4. Boston.

5. Omaha, NE.

Five Jobs I've Had:

1. Custom t-shirt painter at a tourist t-shirt shop.

2. Nanny.

3. Human-hair wig washer at a hair replacement salon.

4. Accounts Payable Administrator.

5. Faux Finisher Extraordinaire.

Tag, Mike, you're it!