Monday, February 2, 2009

No News is Good News.

Perhaps by the same token, not reporting it will make the bad news disappear?

Your friendly neighborhood Humans are in a slump. January was a difficult month and we're hoping that February will be a kinder, gentler set of days.

We kept things pretty low-key this weekend. Friday night we stayed in and decided to drown our sorrows together. I drank a few glasses of wine and Mike rustled up some Bushmills and some Diet Cokes that we had left over from a party (last June... that's how often we drink soda at home). We listened to music, pored over the household budget, watched some 30 Rock on DVD. 

I'm somewhat hard to please when it comes to TV comedies, but 30 Rock is truly funny. We've also tried to watch The Office via Netflix as well, and I just can't get into it. There are a few good jokes here and there, but the show is boring, the plots are boring, the characters are one dimensional... it just does nothing for me after watching one entire disc. By contrast, 30 Rock draws me right into the plots and characters, in addition to making me hoot with laughter. Alec Baldwin is impressive as a comedic actor, and I adore Tina Fey's portrayal of the hapless Liz Lemon.

On Saturday we went grocery shopping, visited my father-in-the-law in the hospital, and I made a lasagna for dinner. I have tried the same lasagna noodles twice - Isola gourmet lasagna - since they've been on sale at Whole Foods, and concluded that there is a reason they're on sale. The noodles are thin, leading one to believe that they will be tender when baked. But they come out hard and cemented together. On my second attempt, I even buttered each noodle with tomato sauce in the hopes of preventing them from sticking together, but the improvement was marginal at best. It's almost impossible not to please Mike with my cooking, but this lasagna got the thumbs-down from both of us.

Saturday night we stayed in again and watched The Darjeeling Limited. Another thumbs down, I'm afraid. The music was great - the movie, not. For me it was one of those films that seemed like it might get better... any minute now... for a long 90 minutes... and it never did. Buy the soundtrack, skip the movie.

Edited: Ha ha, I forgot about this little football game thing that happened on Sunday! Anyway, it was fun, we watched with family... all the adults were cheering for Arizona, without much personal investment. Our hosts made vegetarian chili specially for Mike and me, which was very nice (and yummy). I ate too much cheese dip and got a tummy ache. Our nephew is a big Steelers fan, so at least the one person who cared about the outcome got to see his team win. And that was the Superbowl this year!


Tricia said...

Were I to write a review of a movie, that is exactly what I would have written. And you just reminded me how we have to review the budget. UGH.