I've painted the master bedroom (floor still needs another coat), kitchen, and dining room at the new house. What's difficult is not finding the time to work on the house, but tearing myself away at the end of the day when the sun goes down and I know I have to get home, feed the dog, make dinner for us humans.
Next weekend Mike and I are driving to Twin Cities to raid Ikea for bedroom furniture and all the lovely little Ikea goodies that make us drool. The weekend after that is (tentatively probably) our final move-in date. And not a day too soon. We can't wait!
On a side note, we're having some trouble figuring out how Mike can post here under his own tagline; although he drafted a post once, the method is gone from our memories. Whether this is due to home improvement induced sleep deprivation or mere stupidity... we'll leave to you to decide. Suggestions welcome if anyone out there is a Blogger user.
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