Dining Room After: Green! These two photos show pretty well how the color changes in different lights. At times it's yellowy green and springlike, and in some lights it's quite cool and minty.
Kitchen Before: This photo is deceptive, as it makes the kitchen appear light and expansive... but what you see here is just the cabinets and backsplash. The wall color was deep red, and overall the kitchen looked small and dark. Also, the cabinets look pale yellow here, but the "after" photo below is more accurate in showing their hue.

Kitchen After: I painted the walls and backsplash but left the cabinets for now. I want to paint them a warm off white, but this weird peachy yellow will do for now... we are getting anxious to just move in and start living there! So we've got a little green and red thing going on with the red tile counters.

Kitchen After: I painted the walls and backsplash but left the cabinets for now. I want to paint them a warm off white, but this weird peachy yellow will do for now... we are getting anxious to just move in and start living there! So we've got a little green and red thing going on with the red tile counters.
This past Sunday Mike and I had a successful mission to the Twin Cities Ikea. A few hours into the trip we realized we were a little off our rockers for driving 5.5 hours each way for an hour's worth of shopping, but how else can you get a king sized bed, two dressers, two nightstands, and assorted accessories all for less than $600? Well worth it. We've already assembled the dressers and bed and we're so ready to move. Photos of the master bedroom, living room, etc., will follow as we get the furniture in place.
Lastly, I would like to draw your attention to the updated Bad Vanity Plates List, as I spotted TWELVE awesome plates today alone. I almost crashed the car at least that many times.
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