Erin and I decided that we are going to become more dedicated in posting on this site. In fact, I am gonna post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and Erin is gonna post Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Maybe we'll let the lil' pooper Russell post on Sunday.
Hopefully, I haven't just put a load of pressure on us to keep posting, in fact don't be surprised if you never hear from me again.
So, why are we getting more serious about this? First, because Erin has no choice, I'm forcing her to do this. Not really, but I did kind of just pop this up and volunteered her energy. The other reason is to follow our dreams, why not right? I know it would make Erin's dream come true if she were to get published, and for me, I've made all my other dreams come true why not this one.
There was once a time when I would smoke a lot of pot and dream that some day I'm gonna find some woman who will fix me and make me whole. Now granted, I needed to quit smoking pot in order for that dream to come true, that was another dream of mine, one day I would quit smoking pot. Don't get me wrong pot people, I love the weed, in fact I love it like an alcoholic loves booze, which is not a good thing, for me (sorry alchies, no offense). The thought would go through my mind that some day I'm gonna meet a woman who makes me laugh, loves me like crazy, and cooks like a champion. On top of that, she'll be super cute too.
Sure enough, this dream did come true. All it took was a little discipline and believing in myself, so let's see if we can make this happen too.
Well I know I am going to be psyched to read more. And what a lovely kick off!
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