Although we decided a while ago that this blog wouldn't be all about baby, there's baby chitchat and there's baby news. And we have baby news... granted it's old news and if you know us at all you've already heard, but once again for posterity's sake: IT'S A BOY!

Because I am just this much of a nerd, I have to point out that the sonographer committed one of my pet peeve errors and labeled our baby's penis "gender," when of course we all know the biological status of baby is the sex while gender is more of a social construct blah blah blah. But certainly the sex is pretty unambiguous... our son gave us the money shot as soon as she went looking down under. I think that Mike and I were both stunned for a moment; obviously there were only two possible outcomes, and yet somehow seeing it with our own eyes was still a slightly surreal moment. Technology is amazing, eh?
Some people still choose to wait to find out the sex of their unborn baby, but we are not such people. I'm not the most patient person in the world; if I could magically time warp to January after our son's arrival, I would. And not just because that would mean skipping the whole beached whale stage of pregnancy and the whole getting a 7 pound baby out of there experience. (And yes, I am adamantly choosing to believe this baby will be average and not the back-shattering size of my husband as a newborn - according to the family horror stories. If you attempt to tell me that I'm probably going to have a big baby, just know that inside my head I'm saying LALALALALALALACAN'THEARYOUUUUUUU!)

And so we have just about four months before we get to meet this little guy in person. What, you don't think his wittle skeleton face is cute? How dare you! Actually, I kid but the ultrasound was incredible, and in fact if you are so inclined you can even watch it online. Baby's first home movie, already a Youtube sensation. Make sure you check out the renal glands, that is totally the best part.
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