Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Third Human
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas 2008.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
We did the unthinkable.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Tilapia Day!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Feliz Cumpleanos x 2

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sundried tomatoes are the vegetarian's bacon.
I almost forgot the best part... I topped each of our bowls with a little shredded Gouda. I know it is a sin to ever forget about Gouda.
Monday, October 13, 2008
One Year Down
Today is our first anniversary! The year has flown by, but at the same time, it seems like our wedding happened a million years ago. When we got married, we had no idea that we'd be homeowners within six months... at that point, we had only a vague idea that we didn't want to stay in our dingy apartment for another full year. We didn't really see ourselves as qualified to buy a house yet, but I when I went into our bank to change my name on my checking account, they encouraged us to try for a loan through the Nebraska First Time Home Buyers' program, and here we are!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Nebraska Food Cooperative
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Labor Day Vacation
I am making a weird expression in this pic but don't my husband and sister look adorable? We spent Sunday afternoon just hanging around in my dad and stepmom's backyard with the kids. It was a gorgeous day and totally relaxing.
Here we stopped by the restaurant/gift shop my little brother manages and had lunch. Trev is rocking a kickass mustache these days. We only got to see him for a few minutes due to our packed schedule, but he's looking good!
Here we stopped into see Pops, my paternal grandfather. He was sleeping so I didn't wake him up, but I just wanted to say hi and get a pic with him. Pops has Alzeimer's and is under Hospice care in a private apartment in my aunt's home. He hasn't recognized me for a while and only recently stopped remembering my dad.
My cute littlest sisters on the swings. Ashley is outgoing and funny; Cassie is becoming more reserved and loves to read (a girl after my own heart). They are both a lot of fun, and so gorgeous... man I am jealous of that long hair.
Mike with Zipper, in serious contention for Cutest Dog in the World. Don't tell Russell I said that.
My dad set up target practice in the backyard and everyone took turns shooting balloons and cans with this BB gun rifle. This is good old fashioned fun... it's nice that playing in the yard hasn't gone out of style completely yet!
Look out Russell, Zipper is making a run for it!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
We Love Tomato Sauce
My tomato plants totally outgrew the original plot so I spent a couple hours on Sunday ripping out grass and digging a bigger plot to accomodate them. There were some seriously weird bugs in there. And my shoulders are still sore. But the plants responded by seeming to explode even bigger than ever, and greener, and with more and more new fruits.
I'm finding that gardening is pretty intuitive. I was apprehensive at first to try something about which I knew absolutely nothing. But for instance, when I see tomatoes sprawling all over the ground and being swallowed up into the shade, I can figure out pretty quickly that I need to stake them up a little better. Not saying my garden's going to win any beauty contests, but it's growing like mad so I must be doing something right. Or not terribly wrong.
And let's not forget the basil of course. I have two like this, and it's all I can do to keep them pinched back so they keep getting fuller and not spindly and tall. I'm really pleased with the health of them too. I obviously have a few critters out there, and some bug bite marks, but nothing really out of control at all.
There is this weird tomato though. It's had this dead, flat white patch since it was green, and now getting the brown spots. I think what happened was the stem was twisted around and half of the tomato wasn't getting any nutrients as it grew. I guess I should have tossed it long ago, but I'm curious about what's going to happen to it. Eventually I want to pick it and cut it open and investigate. Gross, right?
A wider shot of the yard. The shadow is from the garage at left. In the evenings Mike and I stand in the shady area there to hit wiffle balls out to Russell.
This is the facial expression we have to endure from the moment we get home from work until we go out and play, and then once he's caught his breath, again all the way until bedtime. Please play ball with me, please please oh please play ball come on please I'll be soooooooo sad if you don't play ball with me. Dogs are truly wonders of evolution. They don't have opposable thumbs but they have mastered the art of emotionally manipulating humans with great subtlety.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Kitchen Makeover
Work has been slow for me lately. So what do I do when I don't have work? I work at home! Not really, but I did find some time to get a few things done in the house. Most notably, I put an acrylic (not true) Venetian plaster finish up in the kitchen. I got sick of looking at the pale, wilted-celery walls and I had some plasters on hand in the right palette.
To refresh your memory, when we bought the house the kitchen had dark red walls (barely seen here) and the backsplash matched the yellowish cabinets.
The plaster I put up is still green, but has a little more life to it. The application gives it movement and depth. I think Venetian plaster is a great finish for kitchens because it has a cool feel (true lime plaster is cold to the touch) and wipes clean easily. For a client, I'd typically do something like this in warm neutrals and kind of an old Italian palette... but at home I love to bust loose with color!
Mike's comment was "it looks like a Van Gogh painting," which I take as a high compliment coming from someone who loves Van Gogh landscapes. I think it's cheerful and happy looking.
A shot of my wall mounted spice rack. Right next to the stove. One of the little conveniences of life. I actually love cooking in my little kitchen. I barely need to walk a step to go from fridge to counter to stove to sink.
And the tomatoes were free! I was pretty resourceful with few ingredients all week. But in truth our refrigerator is usually on the bare side. Since we don't eat meat or drink much besides water and beer, we don't have much to refrigerate. I once listened to an NPR story about a vegetarian family who got rid of their refrigerator completely and I sometimes wonder if we should consider it. All this stuff would probably keep in the basement in winter and in a cooler in the summer!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Pinkney Garden
When the previous owners of our house moved out, they removed their children's swingset from the backyard and left behind a small square patch of dirt & mulch in the lawn. I immediately decided it was the perfect place to plant a little garden. Only problem is, I know nothing about gardening and have had a poor history with houseplants. In college I used to name them as an added incentive to keep them alive, but alas even Esau the wandering Jew and Julius Caesar the mystery fern did not survive my haphazard nurturing.
But I was determined to at least try to grow a garden, so I read up on gardening in some dusty old library books and hit up the farmer's market. I purchased two basil plants and two varieties of tomato. I bought topsoil, natural fertilizer, and a basic set of tools, and planted my garden.
It rained for most of June, and yet there was plenty of sun as well. I hear that's what plants are made of. And mine shot up like weeds. The basil is Genovese, a strong, spicy variety that is the preferred kind for traditional Genovese pesto. I learned that one should begin to pinch off top leaves once the plants grow past six inches or so, to help them grow bushy and full. In the last few weeks I have so much basil out there that I've made pesto two weekends in a row and it just keeps coming.
I have two kinds of tomatoes, one determinate and one semi-determinate. Lest you think me a smarty-panty, this was explained to me by the farmer who sold me the plants. Determinate means it puts out one batch of tomatoes and that's it for the season; semi or indeterminate means it will keep putting out tomatoes until the season is over. The tomato above is my semi-determinate, I believe it was Super Sioux. The tomatoes are medium-sized and the plant is quite large, already almost three feet high and sprawled all over the place. It completely outgrew the cage and is staked up in three or four places. The tomatoes are heavy but still light green.
This would be my Siletz, an early-maturing determinate. This little tomato huddled in the center of the plant is just beginning to ripen. The tomatoes here are also medium-sized but a slightly darker green and the bigger ones are a little striped. It's smaller than the Sioux but still quite proliferate and healthy looking.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Five Things: Mike
Five Snacks I Enjoy: Soy nuts mixed with Wasabi peas, bananas, pineapple, Natures Valley peanut butter crunch bars, any kind of cookie my wonderful wife bakes.
Five Things I would do if I were a billionaire: Invest in solar and wind energy, because that is the next big thing. I would also become one of those loony animal loving philanthropists who cares more about dogs than starving children in Africa. I would buy one of those ABA basketball teams that cost like 10 g's and name them the "Assmen" or the "Short Bus Kids". I would create a scholarship for student atheletes who want to get involved in criminal justice and name the scholarship after my father. Finally, I would manage a cover band that performs nothing but Tool songs acoustically and name the band Stool.
Five Places I've lived: I will list them from favorite to least favorite. 1. Boston (love the town, hate the traffic) 2. Omaha (love the traffic, hate the fact that bands like Radiohead and stores like Ikea will never come here). 3. San Francisco (Love the food, hate the hippies on Haight street) 4. Nyack, New York (Nyack should be number one, I miss the pizza, bagels and the deli sandwiches) 5. Los Angeles (Big ups to Cheetah's, Ye Olde Rustic Inn, and The Vista movie theatre!)
Five Jobs I've Had: Dump truck driver, Ice Cream maker, Doorman at a nightclub, videostore clerk, and a concessionaire on the ferry to Alcatraz.
Five Things: Erin
Ten years ago I was taking a year off from college. I had dropped out of Rhode Island School of Design and was searching for a liberal arts school that would suit me better. I spent one school year living in Providence and working as a teacher's aide in an after school program at a Catholic school. My parents were separating and heading swiftly toward an official divorce. I took a cross-country road trip, the highlight of which were the Badlands and Black Hills in South Dakota - I also saw San Franscisco (intimidating - Big Sur was beautiful), Los Angeles (just like in the movies), the Grand Canyon (too big to compute), and lots of Big Sky. I got kicked out of a casino in Nevada because I was underaged (oops).
Five Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Raw almonds.
2. Fresh fruit - especially Packham pears.
3. Cheese with crackers... or bread... or more cheese.
4. Homemade cookies - especially chocolate chip.
5. Dill pickles.
Five Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Pay off all my debts, including the house.
2. Do a historical restoration on our house, reviving the woodwork and floors and doing everything top-to-bottom in 1920s Craftsman style furnishing - but with updated environmentally efficient fixtures.
3. Create a "social investment" portfolio that would invest my money in socially & environmentally responsible funds only.
4. Donate generously to Omaha public schools and other nonprofits focusing on education, animal rescue, and environmentalism.
5. Buy a wind power farm.
Five Places I've lived:
1. Martha's Vineyard.
2. Providence, RI.
3. Southern Vermont.
4. Boston.
5. Omaha, NE.
Five Jobs I've Had:
1. Custom t-shirt painter at a tourist t-shirt shop.
2. Nanny.
3. Human-hair wig washer at a hair replacement salon.
4. Accounts Payable Administrator.
5. Faux Finisher Extraordinaire.
Tag, Mike, you're it!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Happy Belated Birthday to Me

I'm three weeks late in blogging my birthday, which was, as you might guess from the candles, my 30th. We had a party at the house on my birthday itself - a Saturday - which just happened to fall the day after a major thunderstorm that knocked out power to thousands of Omahans. We were lucky enough to get power back six hours later, but some of the people on our guest list were still picking up branches and fixing the damage and had to miss our little bash. Still, the family and a few friends from work made it and fun was had by all.
I spent Saturday preparing food, and I regret not taking photos of some of the delicious and picturesque dishes I made (purple potato salad and corn avocado salad being the standouts, I think), but my camera completely slipped my mind. Fortunately, my sister-in-law April snapped a few and gave me this one of the cake. Believe it or not, Mike actually found this at Whole Foods ready made. I do believe this is the best birthday cake... ever?
As for whether I feel old - the obligatory question on one's 30th birthday - I do not. In fact I was mistaken by an elderly librarian for an 18 year old just last week. He burst out laughing when I told him I was 30.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Secret Society of Short Shorts
We must ask ourselves, have we moved into an enclave of the Secret Society of Short Shorts? Or have we stumbled upon a fashion forward neighborhood so forward that even Heatherette has not yet caught the wave of man thigh mania?
Monday, June 9, 2008
I Saved Us From a Tornado
The past couple of weeks have been a bit stressful as it's been rainy almost every day or night, and Mike doesn't have work when it rains, or even when the ground's gotten soaked. I remember June being a rainy month when I was a kid, or at least it seemed that way. We'd usually get out of school shortly after Memorial Day, and just as we achieved freedom, a streak of gloomy rainy days would begin and last until my birthday at the end of the month. It was only as an adult that I recognized that dusty, thick smell of impending rainfall as a weather-related phenomenon - when I was a kid I always thought it was the smell of dust on the window sills, since that's where my nose would be planted as I stared out in hopes of a glimpse of sun.
Saturday night we went to bed without knowing that a storm was coming. We fell asleep with the windows closed and the air conditioning on, but at about two thirty in the morning I woke to a rather faint sound of a siren. I tried to rouse Mike: "Is that the tornado siren?" He said calmly, "No, no...." I prodded him, "I think it is." He replied confidently, "No, it's just... part of the promotion." "Hon," I told him, "I think you're dreaming." He claimed he wasn't, but the siren pealed again and I got out of bed - "Okay, that IS definitely a siren." Finally he woke up and realized what was going on.
I scrambled in the dark to put on sweatpants and a hoodie since it would be cold in the basement, and the three of us - dog included - went down to the half bath (aka Man Cave) underground, grabbing a boombox on the way down. Mike had to briefly resurface to grab a flashlight from the kitchen and reported that it was "crazy" outside. We sat down in the bathroom - me in a collapsible camping chair, Mike & Russell on the floor - and listened to AM radio. The storm and possible tornado was moving right through Central Omaha. Power was out in parts of the city, but not for us. Safe in the basement, I worried slightly about our cars, which we only put in the garage if we know there's a storm coming, and we hadn't... mine in particular was sitting directly under the large maple tree in our front yard.
The tornado warning ended at three a.m. and we went back to bed under calm skies. In the morning, despite some downed trees and a few cases of property damage in the city, our neighborhood appeared unscathed. Even my spindly tomato plants made it through intact.
On the local news last night they said that a lot of people slept through the siren and that it's really only meant to alert people who are outside at the time of a tornado. Who knew? They don't give you an instruction manual when you move to tornado alley. Apparently we're all supposed to buy emergency weather alert radios. The funny thing is I had always worried about sleeping through a tornado siren and Mike swore he would definitely wake up if he went off... yet he was the one who thought it was "just part of the promotion," haha. And I, normally a corpselike sleeper, saved our lives. That's right... he owes me bigtime.
Sunday, May 18, 2008

This little vase is a gift that was sent to us by Jenn, who is my oldest friend... we first met in the first grade, stuck together when the leader of our sixth grade clique dumped us, and have managed to stay friends for over 20 years. It is rare for two people to continue to share common interests for so long like we do, so her friendship is very special to me. We were lucky enough to reconnect in Boston a few years ago and spend time together after not seeing each other for a while after college. Jenn is still as unique and creative and funny as ever, and she always sends me the cutest little things, handmade cards and knitted items. She's getting married this summer and Mike and I can't wait to come celebrate with her and her husband to be.

Mom & Leah also sent this little plaque that I hung over our console table/bookcase by the front door, where we stash our keys and ipods. Two tin bluebirds perch over the words Home Sweet Home written in wire. Very cute and one of a kind... they also sent us a collapsible in blue with brown butterflies that I put in our master bedroom.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Shrimp for two.

Friday, April 18, 2008
The Master Bedroom
Before, the walls and ceiling were flat white and the wooden floor had been painted a matte brown that was not terribly attractive. I knew immediately that I wanted to paint the floor in a high gloss white urethane paint, and Mike & I agreed on blue walls. The green-blue trim was Mike's creative idea that I think looks very nice. The results:
The bedroom perfectly embodies the peaceful quality that I wanted up there. It feels clean and quiet and soothing. Shown above is the one area rug we've bought so far and that our dog has of course fallen in love with. Hairy black dog, white rug, makes sense, right?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Living Room Before & After

Living Room After: We painted all walls a greeny blue, which makes the natural woodwork and floors pop nicely. (Oops, please ignore the stack of plastic bins in the dining room there.) The TV setup is temporary until we get furniture in the family room downstairs. The TV will then reside downstairs and this room will be a sunny, electronics-free sitting room where we can read and entertain.
The hallway going up the stairs is painted in the same blue, which transitions nicely into our paler blue master bedroom. The sofa here is a piece we bought when we first moved to Omaha, at Nebraska Furniture Mart, at a significant discount because it's an incomplete sectional. We think it just looks like a groovy asymmetrical sofa (and the right end is finished so doesn't need to be hidden by a wall).