I'm three weeks late in blogging my birthday, which was, as you might guess from the candles, my 30th. We had a party at the house on my birthday itself - a Saturday - which just happened to fall the day after a major thunderstorm that knocked out power to thousands of Omahans. We were lucky enough to get power back six hours later, but some of the people on our guest list were still picking up branches and fixing the damage and had to miss our little bash. Still, the family and a few friends from work made it and fun was had by all.
I spent Saturday preparing food, and I regret not taking photos of some of the delicious and picturesque dishes I made (purple potato salad and corn avocado salad being the standouts, I think), but my camera completely slipped my mind. Fortunately, my sister-in-law April snapped a few and gave me this one of the cake. Believe it or not, Mike actually found this at Whole Foods ready made. I do believe this is the best birthday cake... ever?
As for whether I feel old - the obligatory question on one's 30th birthday - I do not. In fact I was mistaken by an elderly librarian for an 18 year old just last week. He burst out laughing when I told him I was 30.
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