So Erin and I announced on the World Wide Web that we are going to become parents the other day. First, we just want to thank everyone for the messages and support we have received on our Facebook page. It means so much to us, keep it coming, because everyone knows how much I love getting adulation.
I started thinking about this future life as a daddy. Am I too sensitive for this role? I mean, one of the things I know about myself is that I am a pretty sensitive guy, am I gonna be able to handle it when my kid tells me to "shut up" and that they hate me because I won't buy them a toy? People who know me can tell you that my feelings can get hurt rather quickly - I'm kind of soft in that regards.
Ever since I was a boy I've been a little too sensitive for the things normal kids take for granted. My mother kept me out of little league when I was a kid because she knew I couldn't handle getting berated by a coach. She was right! Good looking out Mom.
We're talking about a guy who forced his Grandpop to drive his crying ass all the way from Atlantic City back to New York in the middle of the night because he got so homesick he started dry heaving. (Oh, hyper-ventilating was my specialty. Shoot, the school nurse had to re-stock paper bags on my behalf.) I'm Sens-O-Tive!!!
You don't believe me? Take a look at this

This is me crying like a little sissy on my wedding day. I always cry at weddings, what the hell is wrong with me? This wasn't the only time I cried that day, I was a wreck. Now how am I gonna handle my kid saying mean and hurtful things when they are angry at me. On top of that, you can't cry in front of your children, mommies can, but daddies can't. Never once did I see my father cry, because that is the un-written rule of fatherhood - Don't Cry.
The good news is that I haven't cried over pain for a long time. Earlier today, I split my head open at work, true story. It required 12 stitches and I didn't cry once; in fact, I almost made the nurse sign an affidavit confirming that I didn't cry. She thought I was nuts.
So I don't know what the future has in store for me when it comes to being a parent. I'm sure I'll develop a thick skin and tough it out like men are suppose to, but I do know this. When our baby is born, I'm gonna be crying like a baby too.
You will be crying like a baby Mike, and it will be as fond a memory as your wedding day. And you're going to be a hell of a father. - Phil
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